Funny lawyer advertisements-Generous Lawyer
Funny lawyer advertisements-Generous Lawyer
Local United Way office found in the most successful lawyer of the organization that I did not receive a donation. I called him to convince those responsible for contributing posts.
"Our research over at least 500,000 $ annual revenues, indicate that love is not a penny. If you want, do not give back in some way to society?"
Advocate gave this a moment of mulled wine and answered: "First, the research also my mother dying after a long illness, and that it shows that it has several times the annual income of the medical bills?"
Embarrassing, representatives of the United Way "No, I ...." he murmured
Lawyer Cut "or brother, an invalid, is blind and sentenced in a wheelchair to fail?"
beaten United Way rep began to stammer an apology, but it was discontinued.
"Or my sister's husband had in a traffic accident was killed," the voice of unpaid lawyers leave her three children? "Angry rises
humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, "I have no idea ...", simply said,
A roll, a lawyer, was interrupted again: "I give them any money so why should I give you any?"
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