Saturday, June 18, 2016

An honest lawyer

An honest lawyer

An honest lawyer

An investment adviser went on his own. He is smart and diligent, so business kept coming and very soon he realized that the need for a home consultation so that young lawyers began negotiations.

"I'm sure you can understand," he said, "our personal integrity beyond question must be something." He leaned started with a first application to the front. "Mr. Peterson, an 'honest' Are you a lawyer?"

An honest lawyer

"Honest?" Business prospects respond. "I honesty. Let me tell you something, why I my father lent me five thousand US dollars trained, and I paid every penny minutes in my first case back I'm not so honest."

"The case was ..... impressive and what kind?"
An honest lawyer
Lawyer squirmed in the seat and admitted "He sued me for money."

An honest lawyer

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